Campaigning to save Community Pubs
Join our campaign to help save local pubs through community ownership.
With thousands of pubs across the UK closing or under threat we need to take action now to help them survive.
Community owned pubs offer a real life-line to those who want to save their much-loved local pub.
Help our campaign by:

Saving your pub? If you’re a community group and want to save your pub find out about our FREE help and advice
Stay connected – if you’d like to hear more about our work follow our social media or email us at
Policy Call To Action: support our campaign to help community owned pubs survive and thrive.
The network of 150 community owned pubs, UK wide are under greater pressure than ever. Along with the wider hospitality sector they have endured nearly 12 months of restrictions or lockdowns that has threatened their long term viability.
Plunkett is calling on governments to offer the support needed to help these businesses survive – view our Policy Call to Action below:
We need to act now if we want to save our community owned pubs
With our pubs facing crisis we need to send a clear message to our government via our local MPs to help community owned pubs.
We want to see further financial measures to ensure pubs survive the pandemic and legislative change so that they thrive in the future.
Thank you for your support.