Plunkett UK strategy 2022 – 2026
Plunkett UK is a national charity which supports people in rural areas to set up and run a wide range of businesses in community ownership. We represent 800 trading community-owned businesses and a further 500 in the process of setting up, from shops and pubs through to woodlands, farms and fisheries.
Our vision and values
Plunkett’s vision is for resilient, thriving and inclusive rural communities throughout the UK.
To achieve this, we support people in rural areas to set up and run a wide range of businesses which are genuinely owned by local communities, whereby members have equal and democratic control.
Through our support for community businesses, we have a specific mission to create innovative, impactful and inclusive spaces.
We achieve this by helping community businesses to:
- Provide a wide range of services and amenities that communities value and need
- Stimulate the local economy through localised supply chains
- Create access to employment and training and volunteering opportunities, often supporting people who are excluded from the labour market
- Tackle climate change through delivery of environmentally sustainable initiatives
- Promote equality, diversity and inclusion by creating safe and welcoming spaces for all

Our Values:
Committed: We champion the community ownership model because of its track record for delivering better businesses for people, communities, the economy and the environment.
Inspiring: We share the success stories of rural community-owned businesses and encourage people to join this growing movement of people and organisations.
Inclusive: We provide an accessible service which is tailored to individual needs, and embed diversity, equity and inclusion in everything we do.
Collaborative: We build and work in partnerships with a range of people and organisations who share our values, to grow the reach and impact of our work.
Our 5 strategic objectives