Stephen Nicol, Plunkett’s Chair, presented the Annual Report of the Trustees and Accounts at the charity’s AGM.

Growing numbers
Reflecting on Plunkett’s activities in 2023, Stephen Nicol, Chair, said our response in front-line services has been strong. We maintained and enhanced our core support and launched the universal business support service in September. We have seen growth, with 35 new community businesses opening during the calendar year, an increase of 4% – the highest in a year since before the pandemic. We are on track to hit our target of 150 new businesses over our five-year strategy period.
Across the year, our team dealt with 424 enquiries, including 266 from communities who were looking at community ownership for the first time. In total, 606 days of business support were delivered by our staff team and our network of advisers.
By the end of 2023, Plunkett represented almost 800 trading community-owned businesses – the majority of which are based in and serving rural communities. There were approximately a further 1,100 potential businesses in the pipeline, many of whom will eventually start trading.
Stephen said, “Of course it’s not all about statistics. A highlight of the year for me was the Rural Community Business Awards event showcasing the extraordinary work of the people involved in community businesses and their up and down the UK.
“A key part of our strategy is building a movement. I was delighted that we ran our first national conference for several years. Held in Birmingham last July, it was a fantastic opportunity to exchange experience, ideas and best practice across the sector. With 150 delegates, exhibitors and speakers, the buzz in the venue was palpable.”
You can book your place now for this year’s Conference held in London on 23 October.

Getting our message out
As an organisation representing you our members, Stephen explained that we provided important policy, research and advocacy last year, getting our message across to the government and political parties at a UK level and in the devolved nations, laying the foundations for important changes this year. Plunkett worked extensively supporting the “Unleashing Community Ownership” report published by the Co-operative Party. We work with partners and as part of the Rural Coalition to ensure government fully understands the needs of rural communities.
Stephen thanked our partners and funders for their continued support, and the commitment of the staff team. He paid tribute to Chris Coe, who is stepping down after six years of service as a Trustee, including several years as a Treasurer. He welcomed two new Trustees, Alison Jeffers and Jeevan Jones. We are grateful to over 600 members who play a vital role and contribute ten per cent of income through their annual fees.
James Alcock, Plunkett’s Chief Executive, shared an update on three areas of our work, relating to our strategy, income and innovation.
He talked about our objective to diversify income by developing our corporate partnerships and forming relationships with placemakers so that community-owned businesses become established in areas of new development.
Watch a video on the right of James in conversation with Kathryn Morrison, our Head of Compliance and Internal Operations.