About The Green Dragon
Exelby is a small rural village situated in the lower dales of North Yorkshire about three miles from the historic market town of Bedale.
The Green Dragon has always been at the centre of community activity, and the pub is well used by local residents; increasingly it has also now become a popular destination pub for visitors. For most villages, a pub is a vital service: it is a meeting place, communication centre and an important lynchpin of village life. Much of the appeal of Exelby as a closeknit village rests on its sense of community
When the Green Dragon was put up for sale the community successfully applied for the pub land associated with the pub to be listed as an Asset of Community Value and with no interest from other potential purchasers, the community came together to mount a successful bid for the property. The future is now firmly in the hands of the community and the Exelby Green Dragon is now much more than a pub. Photo credit: www.andy-matheson.com/ Many different events and social activities are run with the support of the volunteers and the current tenants. As well as the bar and restaurant there is also a delightful café and a well-stocked delicatessen.
A great deal of support for a café was found during community consultation. It was felt that a café would work in harmony with a deli shop and the restaurant in driving food sales, minimising food wastage and contributing to sustainability and the overall business model.
“Following the pub’s successful inclusion on the route of the Tour de Yorkshire, Exelby now has its own place on the cycling map! The pub will offer a selection of maintained bikes for free use by the community.”