James Alcock, Chief Executive Officer, gives his thoughts on the results of the General Election and what it now means for the community-owned business sector.

The result of yesterday’s election has led to a new party of power in Government for the first time since 2010. Labour’s win brings to an end fourteen years of being in opposition.

As Plunkett has already promoted during the election period, Labour’s manifesto contained pledges to double the size of the cooperative sector, to introduce a community ‘right to buy’, and to work with the existing sector to address the barriers to growth, including access to finance.

These points will be a primary point of engagement for Plunkett as we seek to introduce the new Government to the movement we proudly represent.

Speaking about the result of the election, James said:

“Well done to Labour on the result of the General Election. We look forward to working with the new Government to grow the community-owned business sector.

“We know that in 800+ communities where there are already community businesses, the impacts they are creating for people, place and planet are significant. Furthermore, as businesses that are owned by, run by and run for the benefit of local people, they can be transformative in responding to, and addressing, the many ‘hidden needs’ that are faced by rural communities UK-wide.

“Plunkett has backed this form of business for over 100 years, and we look forward to using our experience, and to working collaboratively with our partners, to influence policy which not only supports the next generation of community businesses to open but that also empowers the existing network to flourish.

“As an apolitical organisation we will continue to engage with all newly-elected MPs, so that our network is represented by cross-party champions in Westminster. Plunkett UK is grateful to the previous Conservative-led Government, who launched the first-ever Community Ownership Fund, and we will continue to call for investment and for a supportive environment that promotes community businesses as a way of creating connected communities in all UK nations.”

James Alcock describes how we will continue to champion the needs of the community-owned business sector with a new Government in place after the 2024 General Election – and how our members can take action too.

Our priorities for the new government

Click the button below to read more about our three key priorities for the new government:

  • The next generation of community ownership projects
  • The existing network of trading community businesses
  • The need to rural proof all policies and funding decisions

And if you are interested in learning more about our research and policy work, please do get in touch with Chris via chris.cowcher@plunkett.co.uk or make a donation to support our research activity.

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