Strategy and annual accounts
Our vision and values:
Plunkett’s vision is for resilient, thriving and inclusive rural communities throughout the UK. To achieve this, we support people in rural areas to set up and run a wide range of businesses which are genuinely owned by local communities, whereby members have equal and democratic control.
Through our support for community businesses, we have a specific mission to create innovative, impactful and inclusive spaces. We achieve this by helping community businesses to:
1. Provide a wider range of services and amenities that communities value and need
2. Stimulate the local economy through localised supply chains
3. Boost opportunities for employment, training and volunteering
4. Benefit people who are most disadvantaged and excluded in today’s society
5. Offset climate change through delivery of environmentally sustainable initiatives
6. Harness digital technologies to enhance business performance
7. Promote equality, diversity and inclusion by creating safe and welcoming spaces for all

Our Values:
Inspiring: we raise awareness of the power of community businesses to drive positive change.
Accessible: we are approachable to all, and tailor our support and services to individual’s needs.
Dedicated: we are focused, putting the interests of communities first. Inclusive: we value equity and diversity and treat everyone with respect, honesty and integrity.
Collaborative: we achieve more when working closely with others.
Plunkett Foundation Strategy 2022 – 2026
Our 5 strategic objectives

Download our Annual Reports and Accounts here
Report of the Trustees and Financial Statements
Previous years