
Good practice: connecting with local suppliers


This webinar and the associated resource look at key considerations for community businesses to make when working with suppliers. The webinar, hosted by Plunkett's Community Business Manager, Alison Macklin, discusses how good suppliers are essential to a successful community business in terms of the quality of stock and potential profit. The webinar considers [...]

Good practice: connecting with local suppliers2021-01-24T18:48:41+00:00

Virtual Study Visit: The Kings Arms, Stockland


Join Plunkett business adviser Hilary Sudbury in conversation with Stockland Community Pub Group, the local community group running the village pub The King's Arms, to hear about their journey to community ownership. This free webinar was hosted by Plunkett Foundation on 22nd September 2020, and was funded by Power to Change as a More [...]

Virtual Study Visit: The Kings Arms, Stockland2021-01-24T20:16:48+00:00

An introduction to using Zoom for an AGM/AMM


Plunkett Foundation’s Community Business Manager, Alison Macklin, introduces the basics of using Zoom for an AGM or AMM. In light of changes of legislation due to Covid-19, AGMs/AMMs have been allowed to be postponed or held digitally. Every year the management committee of a community business must hold a AMM within 6 months of [...]

An introduction to using Zoom for an AGM/AMM2021-01-28T11:18:18+00:00

Virtual Study Visit: The Ploughshare, Norfolk


Join Plunkett business adviser Phil Harriss in conversation with Beeston Community Enterprises, the local community group running the Beeston village pub The Ploughshare, to hear about their journey to community ownership. This free webinar was hosted by Plunkett Foundation on 22nd September 2020, and was funded by Power to Change as a More Than [...]

Virtual Study Visit: The Ploughshare, Norfolk2021-01-24T18:57:35+00:00

Good practice: upgrading physical spaces to keep staff and customers safe during Covid-19


This webinar and the associated resource look at methods that community businesses can use to improve and upgrade their physical space in light of Covid-19 in order to comply with legislation, and to ensure that staff and customers feel safe. The webinar, hosted by Plunkett's Community Business Manager, Alison Macklin, outlines key considerations and [...]

Good practice: upgrading physical spaces to keep staff and customers safe during Covid-192021-01-24T19:00:24+00:00

Re-opening after lockdown – how was it for you?


Experienced Plunkett advisers, Dave Hollings (from The Dog Inn) and Peter Austin, hosted this webinar following the pub closures due to the Covid-19 lockdown. Dave and Peter question what has gone well and what hasn't? How have customers behaved? How has trade been? What’s it like to be trading in a local intervention area? [...]

Re-opening after lockdown – how was it for you?2021-01-24T20:38:38+00:00

Good practice: managing staff and volunteers in community businesses


This webinar and the associated resource look at the fundamentals of managing both paid staff and volunteers within community businesses, with the aim helping to meet legal and best practice responsibilities, as well as promoting good working relationships. The webinar, hosted by Plunkett's Community Business Manager, Alison Macklin, and Jen Lobley from Acas covers [...]

Good practice: managing staff and volunteers in community businesses2021-01-24T19:25:37+00:00
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