
Plunkett responds to Dormant Assets consultation


Summary of Plunkett's response to the consultation on the English portion of dormant assets funding Plunkett Foundation has responded to the consultation on the English portion of dormant assets funding, representing the views of rural community-owned businesses. The consultation follows the passing of the Dormant Assets Act, earlier this year and will [...]

Plunkett responds to Dormant Assets consultation2022-10-26T12:11:02+00:00

Launching the Better Form of Business Reports 2022


New research, from the Plunkett Foundation's 'A Better Form of Business' reports, reveals strong community business growth and a growing movement of rural community grassroots campaigners. Despite extremely difficult trading conditions, the courage of rural communities is creating business growth where commercial companies fail. UK charity the Plunkett Foundation has published today, [...]

Launching the Better Form of Business Reports 20222022-10-10T08:20:38+00:00

Plunkett at the Conservative Party Conference


Harriet English, Head of Engagement provides an insight to our work in Birmingham earlier this week. Birmingham looked magnificent in the sunshine as we arrived for the Conservative Party Conference on Monday morning. With it taking place at the grand International Convention Centre (ICC), which is right next to the amazing new [...]

Plunkett at the Conservative Party Conference2022-10-14T16:14:09+00:00

Keep it in the Community update 2022


Joe Hesketh, Plunkett's Data Manager provides an update on our refreshed directory of assets of community value Launched in January 2022, Keep it in the Community (KIITC) is an online database of all community assets in England, such as pubs, shops and land, that have been nominated or registered as an Asset of [...]

Keep it in the Community update 20222022-10-14T15:58:57+00:00

Plunkett at the Labour Party Conference


Chris Cowcher, Head of Policy shares his experience of being in Liverpool earlier this week. What a week it has been. Following on from the Government’s fiscal event last week and all that has followed since, we’ve found ourselves in party conference season. James Alcock (our CEO) and I have been in [...]

Plunkett at the Labour Party Conference2022-09-29T16:19:07+00:00

Plunkett calls for a UK-wide Community Right to Buy


Chris Cowcher, Head of Policy sets out a key policy ambition for Plunkett to support sector growth UK-wide. Download: Plunkett policy position statement - UK Community Right to Buy Earlier this year, when we were completing our research in to why the community-owned pub business model had not been adopted in many [...]

Plunkett calls for a UK-wide Community Right to Buy2024-05-13T10:37:29+00:00

Plunkett welcomes the Energy Bill Relief Scheme but more support still needed


James Alcock, Plunkett Foundation’s Chief Executive responds to the announced energy price support for businesses. “After weeks of uncertainty and having received a growing number of calls from our members, expressing their concerns about the rising energy prices we were pleased to hear yesterday’s news, setting out a package of support for [...]

Plunkett welcomes the Energy Bill Relief Scheme but more support still needed2022-09-29T08:32:24+00:00

Energy price crisis: There is no quick fix, but we must act now


Plunkett’s Chief Executive, James Alcock, responds to the cost of living and energy price crises facing community-owned businesses. We are seeing so much in the media about individual households being affected by the energy price crisis, and calls on government to help, but we know from first-hand, that businesses are affected too [...]

Energy price crisis: There is no quick fix, but we must act now2022-08-26T16:14:36+00:00

Dormant Assets – A potential source of future support for our sector?


Plunkett Foundation is currently considering our response to a consultation about how the English portion of dormant assets funding should benefit broad social or environmental causes. The consultation runs until Sunday 9 October 2022, more information can be read via this link and we are keen to hear the views of our [...]

Dormant Assets – A potential source of future support for our sector?2022-08-26T12:08:37+00:00

Plunkett responds to Labour’s levelling-up plans


Plunkett’s Chief Executive, James Alcock, responds to the Labour party's commitment to a 'Community Right to Buy' and levelling up plans. At a risk of preaching to the already converted, community businesses (businesses which are genuinely owned and run democratically by members of their local community) are already playing a significant role [...]

Plunkett responds to Labour’s levelling-up plans2022-08-03T15:15:28+00:00
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