
The Spring Budget Statement


Chris Cowcher, Plunkett's Head of Policy & Communications, considers the impact of Spring Budget Statement for community-owned businesses The backdrop facing Rishi Sunak’s and his Spring Statement; delivered in the House of Commons yesterday afternoon, could not have been made more clear than by the announcement that UK inflation had hit 6.2% [...]

The Spring Budget Statement2022-05-13T08:55:58+00:00

Levelling Up White Paper and community-owned businesses


Chris Cowcher, Plunkett's Head of Policy & Communications, shares his reflections on the Levelling Up White Paper and what it means for community-owned businesses We are nearly a fortnight on from the publication of the Government’s much talked about Levelling Up White Paper, a document packed full of detail and spread over [...]

Levelling Up White Paper and community-owned businesses2022-03-25T09:04:57+00:00

Keep it in the Community – Plunkett launches an online directory of community assets


Plunkett launches an online directory of assets of community value - ACVs Keep It in the Community (KIITC) is an online database of all community assets in England, such as pubs, shops and land, that have been nominated or registered as an Asset of Community Value (ACV). First set up by mySociety, [...]

Keep it in the Community – Plunkett launches an online directory of community assets2022-03-08T14:12:21+00:00

Local Food For All


Why a community-led approach is needed in Scotland and Northern Ireland - responding to food strategy consultations. Over the past 18 months, the pandemic has brought into focus the weaknesses in our food system. Reliant on often long, global supply chains, our food system is vulnerable to disruption. As consumers, we [...]

Local Food For All2021-12-15T15:07:13+00:00

Autumn Budget and Spending Review 2021: Reflections from the Plunkett Foundation


An overview of relevant announcements and updates for our members: First 21 projects awarded support from the Community Ownership Fund announced First 105 projects awarded support from the Levelling Up Fund announced No update provided on the UK Community Renewal Fund (the pre-cursor to the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), the replacement programme for [...]

Autumn Budget and Spending Review 2021: Reflections from the Plunkett Foundation2021-11-15T16:03:21+00:00

Plunkett Foundation submission to the Autumn Spending Review.


Tomorrow the Chancellor will travel from Number 11 Downing Street to Parliament to deliver the Autumn Spending Review. Whilst no one is expecting this to include a big “giveaway” budget for the community business with no anticipated announcements of new funding programmes, Plunkett in its pre-Spending Review submission to Treasury took the opportunity to champion [...]

Plunkett Foundation submission to the Autumn Spending Review.2021-11-15T16:05:43+00:00

Unlocking the potential of community business to boost the rural economy


Unlocking the potential of community business to boost the rural economy Plunkett Foundation has submitted a response to an inquiry into rural productivity by the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Rural Business and the Rural Powerhouse. The inquiry seeks to investigate ways to bridge the 18% disparity in productivity between rural and urban [...]

Unlocking the potential of community business to boost the rural economy2023-04-26T14:13:36+00:00

Plunkett responds to cross-parliamentary inquiry into COVID-19 impact on pubs


Plunkett responds to cross-parliamentary inquiry into the impact of COVID-19 on the pub sector. The Pubs APPG is made up of MPs from across the political spectrum. Their inquiry sought views on: How did the UK Government’s handling of the crisis affect the pub sector? Was its support effective? What can [...]

Plunkett responds to cross-parliamentary inquiry into COVID-19 impact on pubs2021-05-28T11:42:08+00:00

Plunkett’s commentary on Scottish elections May 2021


Ahead of the Scottish elections on Thursday 6 May, our Head of Policy, Chris Cowcher sets out the commitments we expect from all parties to help the community-owned business sector in Scotland to grow and flourish. In Scotland, Plunkett is currently working with 74 community businesses, including 25 shops, 13 woodlands, 10 [...]

Plunkett’s commentary on Scottish elections May 20212021-05-10T11:29:41+00:00

“Community Rights” needed in Wales to protect local assets and business


Ahead of the Welsh Assembly elections on Thursday 6 May, our Head of Policy, Chris Cowcher sets out the commitments we expect from those elected to help the community-owned business sector in Wales to grow and flourish. Plunkett already offers our support services to the existing 21 community shops, 10 community pubs [...]

“Community Rights” needed in Wales to protect local assets and business2021-04-21T17:00:17+00:00
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