
Keep it in the Community – Plunkett launches an online directory of community assets


Plunkett launches an online directory of assets of community value - ACVs Keep It in the Community (KIITC) is an online database of all community assets in England, such as pubs, shops and land, that have been nominated or registered as an Asset of Community Value (ACV). First set up by mySociety, [...]

Keep it in the Community – Plunkett launches an online directory of community assets2022-03-08T14:12:21+00:00

Community Pubs – 10 things we wish we’d known


Community pubs: "Ten things we wish we'd known before we started." As part of Plunkett’s training programme and hosted by the fantastic pub group at the Exelby Green Dragon, we delivered a session called “10 Things We Wish We’d Known Before We Started”. This was aimed at early stage community pub groups [...]

Community Pubs – 10 things we wish we’d known2022-01-14T14:17:39+00:00

Grants available now for East of England community businesses


Grants & business advice are available now for East of England community businesses We’re delighted to announce that the third phase of grants from the Denbury Plunkett Communities Scheme (formerly the Hopkins Plunkett Communities Scheme) are now open for community-run businesses in Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridge and Essex. Grants of up to £1,000 are available [...]

Grants available now for East of England community businesses2022-09-08T14:29:27+00:00

Sharing expert advice and experience with Welsh community businesses


Plunkett’s Community Business Manager, Alison Macklin, travelled to Carmarthenshire & Gwynedd to share best practice, advice and the experiences of new and established community groups in Wales Shwmae. In December, Plunkett held its first face to face networking event for almost two years and  ventured into the beautiful Welsh countryside to bring [...]

Sharing expert advice and experience with Welsh community businesses2022-01-07T15:40:06+00:00

Urban community-owned pubs – researching the opportunities


Community-owned urban pubs – new research to review the opportunities Plunkett Foundation, working with Power to Change, is conducting a new piece of research that aims to investigate why relatively few community-owned pubs have been established in urban communities to date. Of the current 147 community-owned pubs operating across the UK, only [...]

Urban community-owned pubs – researching the opportunities2022-01-06T17:25:14+00:00

A message from James Alcock, Plunkett Foundation CEO on New Years Eve


Looking back over the past year, I can say with absolute sincerity, that this has been the proudest period of my time at Plunkett Foundation - working with an extraordinarily talented and committed team of staff, trustees and advisers, and an equally passionate and committed network of community businesses who work tirelessly to support people most in need. In such testing times, when it would have been easier for Plunkett and community businesses to withdraw or retreat from service delivery, we have seen the opposite, with community businesses stepping up to expand their activities, and Plunkett similarly diversifying and growing its own support.

A message from James Alcock, Plunkett Foundation CEO on New Years Eve2021-12-31T09:41:00+00:00

Merry Christmas wishes & our holiday office hours


We wish you a safe and restful Christmas and look forward to working with you again in 2022. Plunkett office hours over Christmas: Our office will be closing on Christmas Eve and reopening on Tuesday 4th January. During this time you can leave a phone message on 0845 557 1469 or send an email [...]

Merry Christmas wishes & our holiday office hours2021-12-21T16:25:21+00:00

Local Food For All


Why a community-led approach is needed in Scotland and Northern Ireland - responding to food strategy consultations. Over the past 18 months, the pandemic has brought into focus the weaknesses in our food system. Reliant on often long, global supply chains, our food system is vulnerable to disruption. As consumers, we [...]

Local Food For All2021-12-15T15:07:13+00:00

Berrynarbor Community Shop Manager Wins National Rural Community Business Award


Community shop and post office manager, Karen Loftus, from Berrynarbor Community Enterprise, Devon, has won a national award for her work, commitment and passion in supporting Berrynarbor’s local community throughout the pandemic. Karen was presented with the award for Community Contribution from Dame Prue Leith DBE, restaurateur, chef and presenter, and Thakeham, sponsors [...]

Berrynarbor Community Shop Manager Wins National Rural Community Business Award2022-03-08T14:21:48+00:00
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