
More than a Pub – Final Report & Reflections


More than a Pub programme – final report and reflections The More Than A Pub (MTAP) programme, run by the Plunkett Foundation with funding from Power to Change and the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government, was an unprecedented success for the community-owned pub sector. Delivered in partnership with social lenders [...]

More than a Pub – Final Report & Reflections2022-06-08T15:20:03+00:00

Plunkett sublets surplus office space to enhance financial sustainability


Plunkett sublets surplus office space to enhance financial sustainability Improvements by the Plunkett Foundation to our offices in Woodstock back in 2020 created a dedicated training space to house our then newly launched Training Hub. Separately, excess space in the building was repurposed so that it could be readily sublet to generate [...]

Plunkett sublets surplus office space to enhance financial sustainability2021-08-03T13:29:19+00:00

Church kitchen proves perfect place to bake community’s daily bread


Church kitchen proves perfect place to bake community's daily bread Coventry-based Chernise Neo has a passion for baking. When she talks about the mouth-watering cinnamon buns enriched with milk, butter and eggs - or the Middle Eastern-inspired lemon, almond and coconut sweet treats that she regularly bakes - her sheer enthusiasm and [...]

Church kitchen proves perfect place to bake community’s daily bread2021-12-05T12:16:17+00:00

The Future Needs of the Community Pub Sector


The Future Needs of the Community Pub Sector In response to a dramatic rise in the numbers of communities seeking to safeguard their valued pubs, and to identify the future growth requirements of the community-owned pub sector, the Plunkett Foundation, hosted a roundtable discussion in June for key sector stakeholders and partners. Chaired [...]

The Future Needs of the Community Pub Sector2021-07-23T15:03:12+00:00

Unlocking the potential of community business to boost the rural economy


Unlocking the potential of community business to boost the rural economy Plunkett Foundation has submitted a response to an inquiry into rural productivity by the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Rural Business and the Rural Powerhouse. The inquiry seeks to investigate ways to bridge the 18% disparity in productivity between rural and urban [...]

Unlocking the potential of community business to boost the rural economy2023-04-26T14:13:36+00:00

UK Government Community Ownership Fund is now live


Becoming a member of the Plunkett Foundation means you join a growing number of like minded people and organisations all working together to help communities set up and run community businesses as a way of overcoming a range of challenges. Plunkett's membership manager Claire Spendley looks at the benefits of joining a gorwing number o like-minded people and organisations.

UK Government Community Ownership Fund is now live2022-04-02T14:19:31+00:00

Plunkett Foundation’s Annual General Meeting 2021


Plunkett Foundation’s Annual General Meeting took place online on Wednesday 14 July 2021. Chaired by Stephen Nicol, Plunkett Foundation’s Chair of Trustees, members, supporters and representatives from across the community business sector reflected on the extraordinary experiences of 2020 and looked forward with confidence at the growing network of community businesses across the [...]

Plunkett Foundation’s Annual General Meeting 20212021-07-15T15:29:40+00:00

Community Spirit & Daily Mirror Readers Secure the Future for The Trawden Arms


Community Spirit & Daily Mirror Readers Secure the Future for The Trawden Arms Trawden Forest Community Pub Group has announced that with the support of over 320 shareholders and its recent partnership with the Daily Mirror they have agreed to purchase the Trawden Arms, Trawden in Lancashire. In [...]

Community Spirit & Daily Mirror Readers Secure the Future for The Trawden Arms2021-06-22T12:28:11+00:00

Plunkett response to the extension of Covid restrictions in England


Plunkett response to the extension of Covid restrictions in England The announcement that communities in England will now have to wait until 19 July 2021, before progressing to Level 4 of the Government’s roadmap came as no real surprise given the coverage in the media over the past week. However it is now [...]

Plunkett response to the extension of Covid restrictions in England2021-06-15T14:48:53+00:00
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